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Creepy Sweden

Writer's picture: JonathanJonathan

Ep. 101

Creepy Sweden

Well here we are… On to the next 100 episodes. Hopefully we can make these next 100 even more enjoyable than the first. We've noticed more passengers joining the train from all over the world. Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Hong Kong specifically, Taiwan, you name it! One of these places that seems to be listening a lot and that we've been on the charts in for some time now is Sweden. Now if you've listened for a while you know we have a little sub series that we like to do about places. We call it our creepy series. We've done creepy Texas, Creepy New Jersey, Creepy Canada, Creepy Australia etc. So we figured, what better way to kick off our second century with a creepy episode for one of the places that we have been getting lots of love from. That's why today on the train… We're headed to Sweden… More specifically… Creepy Sweden!

First off let's talk a little about Sweden itself. Sweden has a very long history that we were going to discuss but honestly there's no possible way to do the history of this country its due justice given the amount of time we have but we’ll hit some basic points. From 8,000 BC to 6,000 BC, Sweden as a whole became populated by people who lived by hunting, gathering and fishing, and who used simple stone tools. Dwelling places and graves dating from the Stone Age, lasting until about 1,800 BC, are found today in increasing numbers. The Viking Age (800–1050 AD) was characterised by a significant expansion of activity, in Sweden’s case largely toward the east. Many Viking expeditions set off from Sweden to both plunder and trade along the Baltic coast and the rivers that stretched deep into present-day Russia. The Vikings traveled as far as the Black and Caspian Seas, where they developed trading links with the Byzantine Empire and the Arab kingdoms. Christianity first reached Sweden with a mission led by Ansgar, who visited in the 9th century, but the country was not converted to Christianity until the 11th century. The various provinces of Sweden were absorbed around 1000 AD into a single unit, but the crown began to gain significant influence only during the late 13th century. In 1280 King Magnus Ladulås (1275–90) issued a statute authorising the establishment of a nobility and the organisation of society on the feudal model. Trade grew during the 14th century, especially with the German towns grouped under the leadership of Lübeck. By the mid-16th century, this group, known as the Hanseatic League, dominated Swedish trade, and many towns were founded as a result of lively commercial activity. However, the Black Death, which reached Sweden in 1350, led to a long period of economic and population decline. In 1389, the crowns of Denmark, Norway and Sweden were united under the rule of the Danish Queen Margareta. In 1397, the Kalmar Union was formed, with the three Scandinavian countries under a single monarch. However, the union (1397–1523) was scarred by internal conflicts that culminated in the ‘Stockholm Bloodbath’ in 1520, when 80 Swedish nobles were executed at the instigation of the Danish union king, Kristian II. The act provoked a rebellion, which in 1521 led to the deposition of Kristian II and the seizure of power by a Swedish nobleman, Gustav Vasa, who was elected king of Sweden in 1523. The foundations of the Swedish state were laid during the reign of Gustav Vasa (1523–60). The church was nationalised, its estates confiscated by the crown, and the Protestant Reformation was introduced. Power was concentrated in the hands of the king and hereditary monarchy came into force in 1544. After the death of the warrior king Karl XII in 1718 and Sweden’s defeat in the Great Northern War, the Swedish parliament (Riksdag) and council were strong enough to introduce a new constitution that abolished royal absolutism and put power in the hands of parliament.

Eighteenth-century Sweden was characterised by rapid cultural development, partly through close contact with France. Overseas trade was hard hit by the Napoleonic Wars, which led to general stagnation and economic crisis in Sweden during the early 19th century. In the late 19th century, 90 per cent of the people still earned their livelihoods from agriculture. One consequence was emigration, mainly to North America. From the mid-19th century to 1930, about 1.5 million Swedes emigrated, out of a population of 3.5 million in 1850 and slightly more than 6 million in 1930. Industry did not begin to grow until the 1890s, although it then developed rapidly between 1900 and 1930 and transformed Sweden into one of Europe’s leading industrial nations after World War II. Late 19th-century Sweden was marked by the emergence of strong popular movements that included the free churches, the temperance and women’s movements, and above all the labour movement. The labour movement, whose growth kept pace with industrialization in the late 19th century, was reformist in outlook after the turn of the 20th century. The first Social Democrats entered government in 1917. Universal suffrage was introduced for men in 1909 and for women in 1921. Plans for a welfare state were drawn up during the 1930s after the Social Democrats rose to power, and put into effect after World War II. During World War II, a coalition of Sweden’s four ‘democratic’ parties (excluding the Communists) formed the government. After the war ended, a purely Social Democratic government resumed office under Per Albin Hansson. Under Social Democratic leadership, but in close co-operation with the other democratic parties, a series of reforms were carried out in the 1940s and 1950s that together laid the foundations of the Swedish welfare state. At the same time, there were calls for a modernization of the 1809 constitution. A new Instrument of Government was adopted in 1974, stating that all public power is derived from the people, who are to select the members of parliament in free elections. The monarch is still the head of state, but in name only. In 1979, an amendment to the order of succession gave male and female heirs an equal claim to the throne. Accordingly, Crown Princess Victoria is next in line to the throne, not her younger brother, Carl Philip. It may not seem like it but that's the brief history of Sweden taken from So now let's get to it… the creepy side of Sweden and the hilariousness of Jon saying swedish names and words!

First up we are going to visit Borgvattnet Vicarage or BORGVATTNET SPÖKPRÄSTGÅRD IN Swedish. In northern Sweden, there is a small town called Borgvattnet that may be home to one of the most haunted buildings in all of Sweden. In this slightly remote town consisting of just fifty full-time residents, the closest city is Östersund and the trains only run there on weekdays. It may not sound like much of a tourist destination but the strange and intriguing Vicarage draws visitors every year. a vicarage is usually the house where the priest and clergymen lived. This place is said to be one of the most haunted places in Sweden from what we’ve gathered. The building was put up in 1876 but it would be 51 years before the reports of hauntings started. in 1927 when the resident vicar reported strange happenings including his laundry being torn from the line. In the 1930s, Hedlund's successor, chaplain Rudolf Tängdén, claimed to have seen the ghost of a woman in the house, and in the 1940s the subsequent chaplain, Otto Lindgren, and his wife said they experienced paranormal activity including weird sounds and moving objects. A woman staying there in 1941 reported that she said with an uneasy feeling as if someone else was in the room with her. She noticed that there were three old women sitting on the couch in the room! She jumped up and turned on the light. The three ghosts were still there but the woman described them as"more blurry". In the mid 1940s another chaplain moved in, Erik Lindgren. He kept a journal of all the things that happened to him most notable are his rocking chair issues. He brought a rocking chair with him to the vicarage but unfortunately couldn't use it much. When he would sit down in the chair something didn't like it and after a short time would push or throw him forcefully out of the chair. In the early 1980’s the renowned site caught the attention of an outsider priest named Tore Forslund,the Spökprästen, or ghostpriest! He was a writer, poet, Lutheran priest, street musician, and editor of the magazine A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, that he founded 1957. Forslund could often be seen on the streets of Sweden playing his favorite instrument, a concertina. He called Sergelgatan in Stockholm his "central sanctuary". His nickname, "the ghostpriest", came to be during a period when he worked as a priest in Borgvattnet. He offered to relieve the village of the ghosts that were said to reside in the old parsonage. He was strongly against the occult phenomena that existed in the district. He ended up leaving the swedish church abs going out on his own after his expectations at the vicarage could not be met. Ghost hunters international visited in 2009. Tales of the supernatural have been around here for years and have continued until present day. Things have moved, screams have been heard, shadow people have been seen, and the old rocking chair keeps on rocking. The legends surrounding the origins of the haunting tell of abused maids and even of babies buried in the backyard although it is now also said that the old vicars themselves haunt the house. Today the vicarage is run as a small bed and breakfast for those curious enough to stay the night, with the option to rent the whole house. Anyone who makes it through the night will receive a diploma to mark their honor according to the website Atlas Obscura.

Ok so that's creepy. Let's see what else we can find!

Frammegården in Värmland's Skillingmark homestead is a place for midsummer celebrations, singing and dancing. But the farm has a gloomy history. Once upon a time there was an execution site where the farm was built. And for many years, Frammegården was a home where the old and sick of the area had to live their last days.The experiences are different, but what comes back is that the door to the attic opens, slippers move, human voices are heard, knocks, sobs, footsteps and mumbles from the overhang. In the house's guest book you can read about the visitors' experiences. On the lower floor is the "corpse room", a smaller room with a stove and a narrow bed. At least one person has died here. Upstairs is the room with "the crying bed". The story from the 19th century tells that people who came to the farm heard crying and found a woman with her dead child in her arms. The other story tells that two children must have been locked in a small attic room and there died of starvation or possibly frozen to death. Then it is believed that they were buried in the basement, and that may be why the terrier Benny Rosenqvist says that he met something really horrible down there.

- It was probably the worst, most penetrating evil I have encountered in my entire life, he says.

Mats Olsson has his own theory about why the children were killed.

- At that time, one could believe that mentally retarded children were possessed by the devil, and then it was not uncommon for them to be kept secret and, in the worst case, killed.This also happened in the 19th century. Many visitors have said that they have seen or heard children in or near the house. A family says they put up a beach ball, a football and a tennis ball in a row. Suddenly, the beach ball moves with high force into the room and against a chair leg. All members witnessed the phenomenon. Many believe that the farm is haunted by the last owner of the farm and can attest to energies and strange inexplicable events. Inside the house there are furnishings and furniture that are up to several hundred years old, and most of them have some myth attached to them. For example, the spinach is upstairs, a kind of piano that is said to have the same manufacturer as Carl Michael Bellman's, tilt. Bellman is a swedish singer and songwriter. According to frightened guests, it sometimes plays by itself. And maybe it's the house's invisible guard sitting in the antique rocking chair and rocking to the music that was once heard in the room? And who is it that always moves on the old slippers that are never left in the same place where they are left?

These places sound pretty awesome!

Storsjöodjuret (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈstuːʂøːuˈjʉːrɛ], literally "The Great-Lake Monster") is a lake monster reported to live in the 300-foot-deep (91 m) lake Storsjön in Jämtland in the middle of Sweden. The lake monster was first reported in 1635 and is the most famous lakemonster in Sweden. When the only city located by Storsjön, Östersund, celebrated its 200 year anniversary in 1986 Storsjöodjuret along with its offspring and nest became protected by law, a law which was revoked in 2005. Like the Loch Ness Monster and Lake Champlain's Champ, Storsjöodjuret has been described as having a humped back and a long neck and tail. It has grayish-brown skin with a yellow underbelly, a dog-like head, and a body anywhere between 10 and 42 feet in length, according to people who claim to have seen the creature. Similar to claims that Nessie is actually a plesiosaur, one popular theory contends that Storsjöodjuret is a leftover from prehistoric times. During the Ice Age, the story goes, the animal got trapped in the lake and survived to present day. The legend of Storsjöodjuret is significant for its longevity. The earliest recorded mention dates back to 1635, when the vicar Morgens Pedersen immortalized the creature in a folktale that describes two trolls brewing a concoction that creates "a strange animal with a black serpentine body." In an 1878 sighting, a local mechanic reportedly saw something craning its neck past the water's surface. He described it as having a "snake-like head that was larger than what I figured the neck could support."

The Frösö Runestone depicts a serpent-like creature. Frösöstenen, the rune stone, is the northernmost raised runestone in Scandinavia and Jämtland's only runestone. It originally stood at the tip of the ferry terminal on the sound between the island of Frösön and Östersund. The stone dates to between 1030 and 1050. The Lake Monster has had such a grip on the public imagination that in 1894 a hunt for it was organised by a special committee put together by King Oscar II. However, the Norwegian whalers specially hired for the job came back empty-handed. We found this first hand account of seeing the monster online and wanted to share it.

"It just so happens that I live by this very lake myself (lake Storsjön – The Great Lake), and it also just happens to be a fact that I´m a witness myself. Yep, I saw a large animal in the water back in 1977, twice within 40 minutes in the same location (a harbor at Frösön, an island in the lake). This happened on August 10 1977 when I was 16. The first sighting was a quick one, from two blocks above the harbor. I witnessed the back of an animal rise in the water, about the size and shape of a Volkswagen. When I got down there (on my bike) it was gone, but I saw three other witnesses who were clearly in shock of what they had just seen down there. 40 minutes later, as I went down to the harbor a second time I saw it again, this time swimming past the harbor. I could follow it at close range (10 meters or so) for some 300 meters. It was three meters long above the surface, in two parts. First a small part, then some water and then a bigger part (clearly the back of this animal). It had dark skin like that of a whale. It swam straight forward, no sign of any moving to the sides or up and down. Like so many other witnesses before and after this event, I had the classic “like a boat turned upsidedown” sighting that day.

I was not alone. Two girls my age was there, a boat came towards us (the animal dived then) and they started to circle around so clearly they had seen the animal as well. In fact, there could be any number of witnesses, I was far to busy looking at this thing at the time to pay much notice on the area around me. But we are talking about a place with lots of buildings, with balconies facing the waterfront."

Sightings continue to be told about this guy even to this day! What could it be? We love us some cryptids!

Speaking of cryptids we have one that sounds metal as fuck! The Halengamen, or translated to the Halen Vulture, que ripping guitar solo! No it's not named after the late great Eddie van Halen obviously but still… awesome! Halen-Vulture is a cryptid animal of southern Sweden. The Halen Vulture is reported to be a living pterosaur. This animal is very similar in looks and behaviours to the African cryptid pterosaur called Kongamato. The Halen Vulture is said to look like a vulture with leathery skin, just like fish scales, instead of feathers. Instead of perching onto a tree, this animal is reported to dive under the water to catch fish, and it is said to stay under the water for some time. It is said that it can fly so fast and with so much power that it could easily devour boats. The animal is also said to be very excellent at flight. The Halen Vulture is reported around Lake Halen near Olofström in Blekinge, Skåne (Sweden). The area around Lake Halen is a natural reserve which still holds areas of unexplored nature. The nesting place of this mysterious animal is said to be on the island Stora Norrön (the Great North Island). This has supposedly been the animal's nesting place for centuries. The Halen Vulture has been told about for centuries, and in the 1970's it was adopted as a mascot for a local school and thereby named "Halengamen" (the Halen Vulture). In later years, the animal even got it's own unofficial latin name, "Sarcorhampus Papa Halensis" and even a scientific description. Some say this creature has already gone extinct, but others claim that the creature still exists and sightings are still reported!

Lake monsters and dinosaur cryptids… Sounds like our kind of place.

How about some more creepy places! These will be some quick hits since there are tons of reportedly haunted places which makes sense given the age and history of these places!

Bäckaskog Castle in Kristianstad Municipality, Scania, southern Sweden, was originally a monastery built in the 13th century. It was transformed into a castle in the 16th century. The castle is located on the isthmus between Ivö Lake (Scania's largest lake) and Oppmanna Lake. The monastery was closed down by the Danish Crown in 1537 during the Reformation. In 1584–1653, the noblemen Henrik Ramel and his son Henrik Ramel Junior gave the castle its present appearance. At Bäckaskog Castle in Skåne, you can stay overnight and join a guided ghost hunt. Several ghosts are said to live within the castle grounds. One of them is the horse of Karl XV, who was shot after the king died in 1872. During the nighttime, the horse can be heard galloping, which has been observed by guests and staff. Bäckaskog is also said to be haunted by an old guest, named Elvira. She is supposedly sneaking around during the night and can be recognized by her black veil, which she was forced to use for the rest of her life after her accident with broken glass. Room 19 is said to be the most haunted at Bäckaskog with many reports of doors and windows opening without a logical explanation.

More fun words ahead..

Hjortsberga vicarage in Wämöparken is infamous. The old vicarage was originally built in 1757, but was moved and rebuilt in Wämöparken 1941-1942.

Throughout history, several of the Church's men have testified to horrific experiences that are said to have originated in the spirit world. In Hjortsberga vicarage, furniture has been moved and impressions have been left in an old cradle. Mysterious footsteps, children's voices and dog barking have been heard. Hjortsberga vicarage is said to be so haunted that even the horses from the nearby riding school refuse to pass outside.

A priest who lived in Hjortsberga vicarage has told of steps on the stairs without any human being appearing, door handles being pushed down, books suddenly falling off the shelves, the doorbell ringing incessantly even though it was empty outside the door and the dog going insane , raised rag and chopped wildly in the empty air. After trying to drive out the spirits without success, the priest could not stand it and moved from Hjortsberga vicarage.

In the 1980s, Commissioner Bengt Randolfson claimed that he heard eerie cries of children, saw a female ghost coming walking up a flight of stairs and how books fell from bookshelves into empty rooms.

Next up Furunäset hotell. The building was constructed in 1893 and designed by architect, Axel Kumlien who in the year of 1886 traveled to Luleå, Piteå and Skellefteå to find a suitable place to build on. When the medical board decided to build a hospital in the northern part of Sweden there were many conditions that needed to be sustained. The prospective hospital would have a central location for both Norrbotten and Västerbotten, well-functioning transportation links as well by land and at sea.

There had to be good and cheap supply for food. Plenty of water and sufficient water was also a requirement. The building ground had to be good and sheltered from northern and southern winds. After careful considerations they found such place on the island Pitholmen, two kilometers from Piteå city. During the inauguration of Furunäset hospital it was considered to be the most magnificent building in the northern part of Sweden.

All the fantastic conditions were fulfilled, the central and windproof location, good transportation connections and finally good food and water for everyone. In 1987, the property housed a hotel and conference and a business park with then about 70 companies and 550 employees.

Short History about Furunäsets as a hospital. It was the 20th of October 1893 as the steamer “Rurik” added at a newly built harbor in Piteå River. There was not an unusual sight for the people who lived in Piteå to see the steamers park at the dock filled with cargo this time of year. The unusual thing about this time was that the steamer was filled with 74 men who were received by uniformed staff to take them to Furunäset Hospital. A week later it arrived the same amount of women to the same harbor, with the same conditions. The people who came to Furunäset Hospital were called “insane” and they came from overcrowded hospitals around Sweden. With this new hospital and these patients, the modern mental health care had established in the northernmost part of Sweden. Many of the patients spent most of their adult life in the hospital area and their memories and experiences of the place are off course different. Furunäsets history contains both bright and dark stories. Stories that are equally true and equally important to narrate and remember. Nowadays, it’s a hotel and conference center where you can stay overnight. However, the place is still referred to as haunted by many and attracts ghost hunters from all over the world. Guests and staff have reported the sound of rolling beds in the corridors and footsteps that are getting closer. Due to its history as a mental hospital and numerous ghost reports, this has to be one of the most haunted places in Sweden.

Now for something...a bit different...a ufo tale! IN KRONOSKOGEN, A SUBURB OF the Swedish town of Ängelholm, a memorial was erected in 1972, to remember an alleged UFO-landing seen by Swedish ice hockey player Gösta Carlsson on May 18, 1946. The memorial, which is built of concrete, consists of a model of the UFO and a concrete base. Gösta Carlsson claimed that during his encounter with the aliens he received recipes for natural medical remedies which made him healthy. According to Carlsson it was based on this knowledge that he founded pharmaceutical companies Cernelle and Allergon. He later established the first professional ice-hockey club in Sweden — Rögle BK. Not everyone, even those who believe in aliens, agrees with Carlssons claims. Clas Svahn of UFO-Sweden, a group dedicated to investigating UFO sightings in Sweden, investigated the claims and found no convincing evidence.

Did it happen? Who knows but still cool and creepy!

Speaking of UFOs, the Spökraketer, also called Scandinavian ghost rockets) were rocket- or missile-shaped unidentified flying objects sighted in 1946, mostly in Sweden and nearby countries like Finland. Many countries would also see these ghost rockets, in fact over 2000 sightings were reported. Now we have to say that many of these sightings have been attributed to meteors. Many reports came during periods of meteor shower activities. However, most ghost rocket sightings did not occur during meteor shower activity, and furthermore displayed characteristics inconsistent with meteors, such as reported maneuverability. Although the official opinion of the Swedish and U.S. military remains unclear, a Top Secret USAFE (United States Air Force Europe) document from 4 November 1948 indicates that at least some investigators believed the ghost rockets and later "flying saucers" had extraterrestrial origins. Declassified only in 1997, the document states:

"For some time we have been concerned by the recurring reports on flying saucers. They periodically continue to pop up; during the last week, one was observed hovering over Neubiberg Air Base for about thirty minutes. They have been reported by so many sources and from such a variety of places that we are convinced that they cannot be disregarded and must be explained on some basis which is perhaps slightly beyond the scope of our present intelligence thinking.

"When officers of this Directorate recently visited the Swedish Air Intelligence Service, this question was put to the Swedes. Their answer was that some reliable and fully technically qualified people have reached the conclusion that 'these phenomena are obviously the result of a high technical skill which cannot be credited to any presently known culture on earth'. They are therefore assuming that these objects originate from some previously unknown or unidentified technology, possibly outside the earth".

The document also mentioned a search for an object crashing in a Swedish lake conducted by a Swedish naval salvage team, with the discovery of a previously unknown crater on the lake floor believed caused by the object (possibly referencing the Lake Kölmjärv search for a ghost rocket discussed above, though the date is unclear). The document ends with the statement that "we are inclined not to discredit entirely this somewhat spectacular theory [extraterrestrial origins], while keeping an open mind on the subject".

Aliens…. It was aliens.

Glimmingehus in the most southern part of Skåne is the best-preserved medieval manor in Scandinavia. The building was commissioned by the Danish nobleman Jens Holgersen Ulfstand. It was built as a fortress in 1499, when Skåne belonged to Denmark. Archaeological finds suggest that Ulfstand lived a very comfortable life at Glimmingehus. Some of the most expensive objects available in Europe in the early 16th century are here, including Venetian glass, Rhineland glass and Spanish ceramics. Ulfstand would no doubt have appreciated the fact that the castle still lives on as an important medieval centre. The fortress has long been named as one of the most haunted places in Sweden with several different ghosts and guises. The little girl in the blue dress is perhaps the most commonly sighted by guests. It’s a bit creepy because the staff always replies that there is no little girl in a blue dress. Another ghost that can be seen here is the “White madam”. There are said to be spirits of black rats (a species which is extinct in Sweden), a big hen with chickens, and a ferocious big dog. The dog is said to be the ghost of a castle lord who sometimes turns into an animal. Three translucent ladies from the 18th century and a cart drawn by six horses are also to be seen.

Here's some quick hits of weird odd things to see as well in Sweden. They may not all be creepy but they are still kinda odd.

There is a Devil's Bible (The Codex Gigas) in central Stockholm and it’s around 400 years old and the biggest medieval manuscript ever known. The Codex Gigas means literally “the huge book” and it truly deserves its name, the book is almost three ft tall but about a foot and a half wide, 620 pages, and weighs a whopping 165lbs. According to a legend, the Devil's Bible was handwritten by an imprisoned monk in Böhmen (current Czechnia), who got the devil's help to complete the work in one single night. If that isn't impressive enough, look for the page with a full-colour portrait of the devil himself!

Pressbyrån's Museum – Sweden’s most secret museum

A museum dedicated to Swedish convenience store chain Pressbyrån doesn’t sound too exciting, right? You might have to rethink, since Pressbyråns museum has a two-year waiting list, its unknown and still somewhat trendy according to the evening papers. Inside the museum, you can find out more about Pressbyrån's over 100-year-old history, read headlines from old newspapers, see old tobacco vending machines and find out how Pressbyrån became the most common Swedish convenience store.

Sweden's smallest church is only about 1.5 square metres and was built by a former crafts teacher, Rodney Sjöberg, who wanted to have a new project after retirement. His father was a pastor and where Lillkyrkan stands today was a former Mission Covenant church.

Rodney started to build Lillkyrkan in the year 2000 and finished four years later. The church has been blessed by a bishop and is now available for baptisms and weddings.

GROWING HIGH ATOP SWEDEN’S FULUFAJALLET Mountain is a Norway Spruce that sure doesn’t look like much—but this little tree is an estimated 9,550 years old, and goes by the name of Old Tjikko.

Located in Fulufjallet National Park, Old Tjikko began growing in this harsh tundra shortly after the glaciers receded from Scandinavia at the close of the last ice age. To put that into perspective, this lowly shrub was growing as humans learned to plow fields, domesticate the cat, and—2,000 years after it first took root—our ancestors begin learning to smelt copper. Though the tree may have spent millennia as a shrub before the climate warmed enough for it to grow into the spindly tree we see today, scientists had a hunch Old Tjikko was part of an ancient clonal organism. When setting out to establish the tree’s exact age, they carbon-dated the roots system beneath the tree itself, revealing the true age of Old Tjikko. Researchers have also found in this area a cluster of about 20 spruce trees, all of them over 8,000 years old. To add even more to the charm of this scraggly nine thousand-year-old tree, Old Tjikko was named after discoverer Leif Kullman’s dog.

So there you have it, sone pretty creepy places and some fun odd places in Sweden. There's sooooooo much history here and so so so many places that could have made it into this episode. We kept them mostly sorry and sweet so wet could talk about as many as we could. We will definitely be revisiting Sweden though in a future episode.

To swedish horror movies

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