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84 - Black Eyed Children

In a snowy town, within the middle of nowhere of Vermont, an elderly couple heard the sound of three loud knocks on their door. They opened the door and saw two children, a boy and a girl. "Parents will be here soon, may we come in?" The children did not make eye contact and just stood there in the doorway. The elderly couple were hesitant but after a while, they let the boy and girl inside.

The kids settled on the couch while the wife made some hot cocoa and the husband asked them questions that went unanswered. The wife returned and noticed that her cat was scared and angry with the children. "May we please use the restroom?"

The wife looked at the kids and she finally saw them. The children's eyes were as black as a starless universe. She directed them to the bathroom and returned to her husband who was covering his face with his hand. "Did you see their eyes?" the husband then shows her his hand full of blood from a nosebleed.

The power suddenly went out and the house turned as dark as the kids' eyes. The wife headed to the restroom and was confronted by the voice of the kids at the end of the hall uttering, "Our parents are here." The kids then exited the house leaving the door wide open. The wife then noticed that there were two men at the end of the driveway. The men were very tall and slender; the wife waved but did not receive the same friendly gesture. The two men and children then drove away together in one car.

The power then came back on a little later after the kids left. Throughout the next week, weird things happened in the house; three out of four cats went missing and the fourth had been found dead in the pool of its blood. The husband continued to have nosebleeds and finally went to the doctor, where he was diagnosed with very aggressive skin cancer.

That is one of the first stories to be related about today's subjects. That story gained much attention in the paranormal circles and with alien enthusiasts. So exactly what are black eyed kids, Aliens, vampires, demonically possessed children, some other worldly entities? The black-eyed children are paranormal creatures that resemble children around the ages 6 to 16 who have pale skin and pitch black eyes and are completely soulless. Additionally, people who have been in close proximity to black eyed kids report a feeling of “unease” that washed over them. While nothing about the children’s appearance (aside from the eyes) genuinely frightened the people, they still reported feelings ranging from anxiety to terror at their presence.

Some people have also reported seeing black eyed kids that have “talons” for feet or other demonic attributes, but most sightings are of seemingly normal children.

Black eyed kids are also commonly described as wearing dated clothing or dressing in a manner that is not typical of a normal child of their age.

The strange thing about the black eyed children mythos is that it's a fairly recent phenomena.Some people claim that these children have existed since the 1980s, however, most sources say that the legend actually originated in 1996 by Brian Bethel, a journalist from Abilene Texas. The following is his account of his original encounter as he recalled it in the Abilene Reporter News:

" Near as I can figure, this happened in 1996. I’ve managed to pin down the date that far. I feel like it happened in the spring or summer, since I remember wearing a pair of shorts, but one of my great regrets is not recording the actual date of the event.

After you hear the story, you’d think it would be something you’d never forget. But given enough time between, not the case. My memory, while good, isn’t quite eidetic.

I had gone down to the former site of Camalott Communications, one of the area’s original Internet providers, to pay my bill. At the time, Camalott was located on North 1st Street, near the movie theater, in the shadow of what is now Chase, then Bank One.

I was using the light of the theater’s marquee to write out my check, which I planned to put in Camalott’s night drop-slot. Involved in my work, I never heard them approach.

There was a knock on my driver’s side window. Two young boys, somewhere between nine to 12 years old and dressed in hooded pullovers, stood outside.

I cracked the window a bit, anticipating a spiel for money, but I was immediately gripped by an incomprehensible, soul-wracking fear. I had no idea why.

A conversation ensued between one boy, a somewhat suave, olive-skinned, curly-headed young man, and myself. The other, a redheaded, pale-skinned, freckled young man, stayed in the background.

The “spokesman,” as I’ve come to think of him, told me that he and his companion needed a ride. They wanted to see a movie, “Mortal Kombat,” but they had left their money at their mother’s house. Could I give them a ride?

Plausible enough. But all throughout this exchange, the irrational fear continued and grew. I had no reason to be frightened of these two boys, but I was. Terribly.

After a bit more conversation, I looked up at the theater marquee and down at the digital clock display in my car.

Mortal Kombat’s last show of the night had already started. By the time I could have driven the boys anywhere and back, it would practically have been over.

All the while, the spokesman uttered assurances:

It wouldn’t take long.

They were just two little kids.

They didn’t have a gun or anything.

The last part was a bit unnerving.

I noticed that my hand had strayed toward the lock on my door. I pulled it away, perhaps a bit too violently.

In the short time I had broken the gaze of the spokesman, something had changed, and my mind exploded in a vortex of all-consuming terror.

Both boys stared at me with coal-black eyes. The sort of eyes one sees these days on aliens or bargain-basement vampires on late night television. Soulless orbs like two great swathes of starless night.

I did what I feel any rational person would do. I full-on freaked out inside while trying to appear completely sane and calm.

I apologized to the kids. I made whatever excuses came to mind, all of them designed to get me the hell out of there. Fast. The aura of fear was now a palpable, black-hanging thing, almost as if reality itself was warping around me.

I wrapped my hand around the gearshift, threw the car into reverse and began to roll up the window, apologizing all the while.

My fear must have been evident. The boy in the back wore a look of confusion. The spokesman banged sharply on the window as I rolled it up. His words, full of anger, echo in my mind even today:

“We can’t come in unless you tell us it’s OK. Let us in!”

I drove out of the parking lot in blind fear, and I’m surprised I didn’t sideswipe a car or two along the way. I stole a quick look in my rearview mirror before peeling out into the night. The boys were gone. Even if they had run, I don’t believe there was a place they could have hidden from view that quickly."

This is widely considered to be the earliest written account of an encounter with the black eyed kids. Creepy for sure.

There are many theories as to what black eyed kids actually are. One of the more interesting theories we've found is the following, it was listed as a psychic answer to what they are, it also involves religious overtones:

"Black-eyed Children are elementals called CHILDES. They are, & have always been, agents of God. In earlier periods, they wore the local costume or dress of human children. North & South of the equator, they now wear 19th century children's clothing: Dark-haired boy wears black velvet blazer & knee britches, wide lace-edged collar, lacy ruffles down front of white shirt, lacy sleeves. Girl wears white ankle-length satin dress with white sash at waist; a large white satin bow in her dark hair tilts to one side. Both are pale with dark circles around eyes. Distinctive giggling laughter as if playing a game together.

Children who ascend (cross over to become angels) like to serve as CHILDES. Serving briefly as elementals helps all angels move up the ranks of the angelic hierarchy. But their soul evolution is halted if they are used in a hex (curse or spell). RED EYES indicate a CHILDE who is caught in a curse & needs help "going home" to the Light (5th dimension or higher).

CHILDE have nothing to do with blood or vampirism. The VAMPIRE legend lumps two or three kinds of elementals together: The VIPER (its victims have two tiny bite marks like a Tazer gun), the BACHALU (bat-winged cat), & the BLESSED=BLOOD= a pale, caped humanoid elemental who can help humans by giving them a complete cleansing of all their blood (like a medical blood replacement/ transfusion by machine).

CHILDE participate in official hauntings. (See my other Comments re sick houses with DHEBRO, a.k.a. Hat Man.) CHILDE are also sent to deliver the Common Cold -- mild Cold symptoms... all the way up to intense fever & CHILLS=CHILDES.

Anyone who sees a CHILDE with RED EYES should ask Archangel Michael for protection."


So another theory was briefly mentioned in that last theory. There is a thought that black eyed kids are actually vampires! There are several reasons that people like this theory. First the kids seem to be a nighttime phenomena. Every story we've uncovered takes place at night and who comes out at night… Boom vampires. Couple that with the uneasy soulless looks and pale skin and you're on your way to a vampire. Another reason people think they could be vampires is the fact that they always ask permission to get into your house or car. If you are currently up on your vampire lore you know that vampires must be granted permission to enter your house. Now another twist on this theory is the psychic vampire theory. If you are not familiar with psychic vampires here a brief synopsis. A psychic vampire (or energy vampire) is a fictional and religious creature said to feed off the "life force" of other living creatures. The term can also be used to describe a person who gets increased energy around other people, but leaves those other people exhausted or "drained" of energy. Psychic vampires are represented in the occult beliefs of various cultures and in fiction. Some people believe that BEKs are actually psychic vampires due to many people feeling drained and tired after their experiences with them.

Another theory is that of demonic possession. As found in an article about signs of demonic possession The eyes play a big part in determining possession. Since the eyes are the window to the soul, physical changes can affect the eyes of the person in question also.

Eye color (such as just the irises) can change to different but natural colors. Another way eyes can be a major sign of possession is when the entire eye itself becomes infected by black almost like a shark's eyes. Alterations in other physical colorings are possible through the changing of hair tones. Not only that another sign of possession is changes in the voice of the person affected. Many times in tales of BEKs the kids will have deeper than normal voices or voices of adults when they speak. In another article about possession it states Telepathic powers where the person in question knows what you are feeling or thinking without any indication from you can be a possible sign as well. Many people report that during an experience with BEKs they feel like the kids are using kind of mind control or telepathy to try and get the people to agree to let them into a house or car. Another thing that has led to the demonic possession theory involves the night time. As stated in the vampire theory, these stories always happen at night. According to many this starts online with demonic possession as the mind is most vulnerable at night therefore increasing possession activity leading to these encounters being at night.

So we have weird elementals, vampires, and demonic children. What else could there be? Oh yes, aliens, of course, how could we forget.

This one's gonna be fun.

The theory here is that BEKs are actually humanoid alien hybrids. The hybrids are not really aliens, but a mixed breed between the greys and humans. They came about when the greys started doing gene DNA manipulation many years ago starting in at least biblical times supposedly to replenish their own thinning gene pool after centuries of over cloning. Another theory as to why the grays started cloning is more cynical, being that they started to place the alien hybrids into Earth's society to help them overthrow the Government and take over from the inside rather than a full-fledged attack. Some even speculate that many of the alien hybrids on Earth don't know that they are of mixed nature and are like terrorist cells that can, and will be activated when the time is right for the master alien races (The greys and the reptilians). Alien hybrids have different looks depending on how their DNA was mixed by the grays and for what purpose they are being used for. These are the possible known alien hybrids from abduction accounts from around the world. One of the main differences is the eyes. We're sure you're all well aware of what aliens look like supposedly. Especially the greys. They have big black eyes. So the alien theory begins there. Some believe there are several classes of alien human hybrids. Some believe BEKs belong to one of these hybrid classes. They are the ones that are here on Earth and pose as humans. They are possibly everywhere and it can be impossible to tell them apart without DNA testing, and even then the grays do a great job of hiding the differences. They may be presidents, teachers, kings, the working class, or really anyone in power or not. They have been said to be put here for numerous reasons from research on humans and other life on Earth to control and the slow take over of the planet.

Some of the humanoid mixed breeds don't even know that they are a mixed alien breed and are being controlled without their knowledge. You can think of them as terrorist cells that will be activated when the time is right for invasion, the new world order, and the take over of Earth and its people.

That's a lot to unpack… We get it… But essentially… Prior are staying that the BEKs are alien human hybrids, which if you remember back to the very first encounter we read…it definitely has that vibe. The other thing that may tie into Aliens is that some believe there's a man in black connection. According to some, the description of the BEKs is astoundingly close to descriptions of the men in black. We couldn't find a ton of stuff on this theory, but again looking back to the first tale, the couple described the children's "parents" as two males and that both were very tall.

There are of course the rational explanations as well. And while they aren't as fun, we suppose we should talk about them. One is that the first initial report by Brian Bethel is indeed fabricated and more of a creepy pasta type story generated for gaining attention. The rest of the stories are just the same and follow the pattern of evolving into urban legend status. Stemming from this there's the possibility that since people have actually seen BEKs but that they are just hoaxes. With the availability of contacts that make your whole eye black, it's not crazy to think there are people out there having fun at others' expense.

There may also be a physical explanation by way of a condition known as aniridia. Aniridia is marked by partial or complete absence of the iris of the eye. Vision is preserved in some patients with mild cases of aniridia. This condition occurs when the iris fails to develop normally before birth in one or both eyes. Typically, aniridia can be seen from birth. Aniridia can occur as a single abnormality or can be one of many symptoms in an underlying condition. While aniridia did not make the entire eye black one could understand that encountering someone, especially a child, late at night with this condition could definitely give off some creepy vibes.

So now you know what they are and the theories behind them, how about a couple more creepy tales of BEKs to unsettle you the rest of the way.

"On March 17, 2008 I had my one and only encounter with a black eyed kid. Before my experience I had never heard of anything having to do with the black eyed kids. I was 12. I was sitting outside of a hairdressers in an old Chevy pickup waiting for my mom to get her hair cut. About 15 minutes had passed and I saw some kid walking back and forth along the sidewalk in front of my parked car. At first I thought I recognized him as one of my friends from school so I banged on the front windshield until he looked my way. It was not anyone I knew. At this point I was not scared at all. Not yet. The boy walked over to the side of my car and just stared. I think it will let me get a good look at his eyes. To freak me out. Let me tell you.. If you have never seen a black eyed kid.. you have no idea what to imagine. Pupils black as the night sky. The boy whispers “You must let me in” and then I locked the car doors and ducked down into the space below the seats. Five minutes later he was gone. When my mother got into the car she told me a boy with black eyes had come into the hairdressers had insisted for my mother to give him the keys to the car. She refused……thank God she did."

Well maybe they just wanted to play...or kill? Who knows!

"Trick or treat?

This really freaked me out… Yesterday I noticed my neighbor hadn’t put out all his Halloween decorations/lights/etc. The past two years I’ve lived next to him he’s gone all out for Halloween. I don’t know him well, he’s younger, single, but I know he likes kids (not in a creepy way). His brother and sister-in-law and their kids are always visiting him and he plays with his three young nieces and nephews out in the yard. So anyway, I got home from work and was walking up my driveway and I saw him outside and said something like “Hey man, you better get your Halloween stuff up or that house up the street is going to beat you for best decorations.” He kind of smiles sheepishly and says that he’s actually going to keep his house dark this year and just put candy out. I asked if he was going out of town, but he said no, something happened last year that really scared him.

Now I was concerned for my own safety if some weirdos were coming around our neighborhood (which is a pretty safe neighborhood with tons of young families living here), so I asked him what happened. He said last year he had his brother’s family over so they could trick-or-treat in the neighborhood since they live in an apartment complex that doesn’t do much for Halloween. He had a bunch of kids come to the door like always. His family took off around 10:30 and there were only a few older trick-or-treaters, but by 11:30 they were pretty much done. So he was inside, watching TV and the doorbell rings. He grabs the candy bowl and heads over, noticing that it’s a little past midnight and that’s pretty rude for trick-or-treaters to still be out, but then notices he hasn’t turned off all his decoration lights yet, so his house is still a beacon. He swings the door open and is about to yell “BOO!” or something to freak them out, but stops dead when he sees the kids at the door.

He said one was probably around 13-14 and the other around 16-17 (both boys). They weren’t dressed up, but he remembers the older one was wearing a flannel checkered shirt. He was immediately overcome with uneasiness, like opening the door was a huge mistake. They just stared at him and he noticed they had really big irises and dilated pupils. He couldn’t even see the whites of their eyes, so he figured they were contact lenses. He was frozen there holding the candy bowl, like he couldn’t slam the door in their face as much as he wanted to. So he nervously tried to smile at them hoping they would “break character” and ask for candy or something. The younger one said they had gotten lost and needed to come in and use his phone. That was when he closed the door more than halfway on them and said “No, sorry” and the older one said something like “Can we just wait in your house until our parents come get us?” but by then he was convinced that his life was in danger and these kids must be high on something or intending to rob him and he just kept mumbling “No, sorry, goodnight” as he inched the door closed and locked it.

He told me he was so fucking scared at that point that they were going to try to break in through one of his windows or something, but he looked through the peephole and they had turned to leave. He watched TV with the volume really low so he could hear any sounds at all and he said he stayed up till like 5 am because he was too scared to go to bed and drop his guard. The whole time he’s telling me this I’m thinking oh my god, this sounds so familiar, just like the Black-eyed kids urban legend. Then I thought hey, maybe this dude is trying to scare me because after all, he does have the Halloween spirit…so I’m looking at him incredulously but trying not to seem too gullible. So I’m like “Man, that is really crazy, sounds like the Black-eye kids.” He just looks at me blankly, “The what, is that a movie or something?” and I said no, but told him to go look it up online.

Like an hour later I get a knock on my door (and admittedly, almost jump out of my skin thinking it’s a demon child). It was my neighbor and his eyes were freaking huge. He swears to me up and down that he had never heard of the BEKs before and it’s so similar to what happened to him. So we talked a while longer and I told him that quite a few people probably know about that urban legend and it’s possible it was just teenagers with black scleral contacts trying to freak people out on Halloween (which would be genius, by the way). But he said the fear he felt was so primal and came over him the second he opened the door for them.

Well… Happy Halloween to him I guess!

A gas station attendant in northeast Louisiana had a terrifying encounter in November 2012. The gas station was creepy enough to begin with at 3 am, but then the power went out. Led by the light of his cell phone, the attendant was able to get the generators going, but the backup lighting was dim and only lit up certain areas, like the cash area and the parking lot, while the rest of the isolated establishment was cloaked in black. Out in that darkness, he noticed movement: three children on bikes were heading his way.

They stood at the door and stared at the attendant. He felt creeped out, but they were just kids and it was way too late for them to be out. He opened the door and asked if they were okay. The young girl asked to use a phone, but as he handed his cell over to her, he realized her eyes were all black. “No, I need the real one!” She pointed at the landline inside. The thought of letting her inside sent chills up his spine. He shouted at all of them to leave as he slammed and locked the door.

The children stood there a bit longer, silently staring at him through the glass with their solid black eyes. Then, they got back on their bikes and disappeared back into the darkness. The next morning, the attendant was eager to go through the surveillance footage. Unfortunately, the power outage cut the cameras off and they didn’t boot back up with the generator. He had nothing to prove the events of the night before took place

So there's a couple more stories. Are they real? That's for you to decide. I suppose the best way to end this episode is with words from the man who brought the BEKs to light for everyone. The following are the weeks of Brian Bethel about his experience :

"I’ve never wanted the Reporter-News to be a venue for this story. It’s easy enough to find online, as I said. And call it a weakness, or maybe common sense, but I prefer to keep my encounters with the paranormal (ask me sometime about the ghost that haunted our newsroom back in college) separate from my award-winning journalism career.

But one of the provisions my bosses at the paper made in exchange for me potentially making a fool of myself on TV was for me to tell the story here. And so, I have.

Do I expect you to believe me blindly?

Of course not. I might not believe it myself if I heard such a story from someone else.

What did I see?

Your guess is literally as good as anyone’s. I’ve had everything from vampires to demons to ghosts to aliens to a somewhat-detailed hallucination posited as possibilities.

I do feel like I can say this with some authority: This was back in the day when freaky coal-black contacts weren’t widely available to a couple of kids in Abilene, Texas, for anything under a small fortune.

And there wasn’t enough time to even put such things on in the short time I broke the spokesman’s gaze, if they could afford them.

Will I ever know for certain what I saw?

Probably not.

Do I ever care to see them again?

Hell, no.

As much as I still don’t know about what happened that night and why, here’s one thing that I do know. It’s a gut feeling, but one that rises to a level of almost certainty.

If I had given the spokesman and his friend a ride on that long-ago evening, I don’t think I would be here to type this now.

End of story."

Whew… So there you have it. Blacked eyes kids! What do you all think?

There seems to only be a couple movies specifically about black eyed kids, so we're going with the top movies involving evil children!

Top movies involving evil children

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